You break me down, you make me feel there no hope
You make feel there is more darkness than light at the end of that tunnel.
You put awful thoughts in my head -
not good enough and never will be -
You say my dreams will never come true
But I am Stronger than you think and will fight
Despite crap with mental illness,
I will be an inspiration to others
Mental health darkness I may be fighting you,
but the good I do, I never see it
despite the positives, you break me down
I feel broken
but I will win
"I wrote this poem because I deal with mental health issues. It was a sort-through process of how I feel and what I experience on a daily basis, and trying to help others.
This is one of the small steps I take to process my mental health issues. I write poetry to help get through the dark times of mental health, to to remind myself and others that you are not alone"